01268 571571

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Prefabricated Steel Reinforcement Cages

Prefabricated Pile Cages

Alternative Names:
pile cages, piling cages, concrete reinforcing cages, prefabricated pile cages, piling cage reinforcing, rebar cage, prefabricated steel reinforcement cages,

80 1 100 0

Quick Overview

Please call our Piling Division on 01268 571550, or email [email protected] for prices and technical advice.

Tel: 01268 571571
Email: [email protected]


Lemon Piling Division is a leader in prefabricated solutions with fully CARES approved facilities. Factory manufactured pile cages are to BS7123. This comprehensive prefabrication service, including single piece pile cages and mechanically spliced pile cages.

Our 25 years experience in Prefabrication techniques ensures the quality and speed of deliveries are of the highest order. Drawings detailing the cage specifics are provided by our production team prior to manufacture, to ensure the product meets all necessary customer criteria.

Additional Information

Material Steel
Manufacturer No

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  1. Good quality & timely deliveries review by Jamie
    Product Rating

    Good quality, timely deliveries, safely pre slung & competitively priced. React well to design & programme changes. Cage drawings signed off before manufacture.

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